Listen Up!

Keeping stability and awesomeness...


10 Minute - 24 Hour Mute:

We will start with a small mute time, you can handle it, just don't be evil and be a normal person. (this is not an order, we can jump to any one of these)

3 Day Mute:

Depending on the badness or persistance of your evil action a ban this long will happen.

1 Week Mute

Again depending on the action or sheer will of your terrible actions, this will happen and you can cope.

Permanent Ban

This is probably deserved if it happens, but if it isn't then you can visit our google forum to get your ban revoked. (we will have small events where people can try to come back)

Pretty easy things to understand, I'd say the discord server has these in more detail if you're truly confused, also the mods can help. (Also we will report insane terrible acts to discord)

Other Important Things

User 2

Voice Chat Rules


User 3


The End To Cruelty