Listen Up!

Keeping stability and awesomeness...


1. No Mic Spam:

Don't spam sounds on any soundboards, and DON'T be loud and annoying. (simple)

2. No Inappropriate Screenshare Content:

Screensharing things like gore, sexual, and horrifying videos of things I can't begin to describe are simply NOT allowed. This gives an instant ban. (we can disconnect you at anytime)

3. No Harassment:

Racism, sexist, anti-LGBTQ+, and other related terrible things are VERY MUCH not allowed, these also almost everytime can cause a ban. If you spam slurs or just harrass people its an instant ban.

Pretty easy things to follow, I'd say the discord server has these in more detail if you're truly confused, also the mods can help. (Also we will report insane terrible acts to discord)

Other Important Things

User 2


A Chance At Redemption

User 3


The End To Cruelty